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Showing posts from June, 2012

what a waste.

it such a waste, when every time you see same old face, you don't even know what his/her name. it such a waste, every time you got a smile, you just only received but, you don't respond with a smile. it such a waste, you just see people burden, but you don't even try to help them. it such a waste, you likes to give preach, but you don't practice what you preach. it such a waste, you always received. but you never have any intention to give it back. it such a waste, you never be grateful what you have got. it such a waste, to think about our thoughts only, and you don't even want to consider others thoughts. later;=)

hesitate, please get out of my life~

dear bloggers,, almost 2 months I didn't update this blog. as always, lack of ideas. HAHA. post kali ini aku nak bercakap tentang perkara yg selalu menghantui diri kita.sifat ragu-ragu ataupun was-was. It's a lie if you tell me that you never feel hesitate once in your life. everyone should experience this kind of feeling as we are just common human being. dan aku mengaku perasaan ne mmg susah untuk dielakkan. tapi perasaan ne mula berkurang seiring dengan penambahan usia. kalau dulu nak solat pun susah asyik fikir "umm,btol ke niat ne?".."cukup da ke rakaat?".. bisikan syaitan itu slalu menganggu fikiran manusia. the only way to mitigate this kind of feeling is build in our self-confidence. yah! that's right!..sometimes we feel hesitate because we lack of this kind of thing. yakinla dengan setiap perbuatan yg kita lakukan. sifat ragu itu tidak lain tidak bukan hanyalah untuk menguji kita sama ada kita yakin atau tidak. tapi janganlah hany